It’s all about the money

Thursday 24th January, 42 New Broad Street, London and a very special pilot user group meeting of some key clients to find out how we can do things better in the very important area of remunerations management.
Our Vision for Time4Advice is simple. It is to deliver the best system, aligned with the best support so that we have the happiest clients. Today was a big step towards fulfilling our goals as the people in the room were all experts in their field and a very demanding crew. Honestly, we didn’t know what to expect.
Seven of our larger clients were represented and each have fed back over the years with constructive comments and ideas as to how we could do things better and although many had seen significant developments in CURO since they became clients, the area of remunerations was one area where there were still issues to be addressed.
Richard Brian, CURO Product Manager, had prepared well and structured the day to ensure all the delegates had an opportunity to speak and present their ideas. Richard and I did a lot of listening and taking notes. The delegates were engaged and feeding back some great ideas.
We had an interesting mix in the room from clients who have been with us since the beginning of Time4Advice to one client that has worked with us for a year but is going live in May this year (a large and complex implementation). What was interesting was that regardless of how long they had been using CURO everyone learned something from the others. There are were lots of takeaways and positive learning.
When Richard was able to demonstrate what had been achieved with the developments to date (not yet released), we were delighted (and relieved) that many issues identified had been received, understood and were being worked on with some being launched in the March ’19 CURO release. There was a truly positive vibe when Richard was able to show some of the things we had done to address the issues that had been raised on the day.
We asked everyone to score the meeting as well as feedback thoughts as to what worked and what could have been done better and here are the responses and scores received.
On behalf of Time4Advice, Richard and I, a great big thank you to everyone for giving up their valuable time to help us develop the system you want.
This is what everyone said of the day with scores out of 10….
“I particularly liked the way you set it out as discussions first and then on to current plans because I felt it meant the discussions were very constructive.”
Matt Pollard, Old Mill. Score 8
“Thoroughly enjoyed the day. It was totally worthwhile exchanging ideas and “challenges” with fellow users. I was very pleased to see the roadmap, not just for remuneration but to see that so many client requests are being considered and implemented. For a first meeting I thought it was very successful and look forward to the next one.”
Laurence Dalziel, Commercial Controller, Scrutton Bland. Score 9
“It was extremely beneficial to be involved in discussions with likeminded firms and was reassuring that between the work we have undertaken and working closely with you, very little concerns or issues we were not already aware of came up. I think that the day ran well, and the session was productive for all involved and certainly of benefit to us if it were to be a regular event. I also felt that Richard ran the session very well and it was extremely informative.
Matthew Clark, Operations Manager, Old Mill. Score 8
“Thank you for inviting us to take part in today’s focus group. Katie and I found it really valuable and a day well spent. We both came away from the day feeling confident that you fully understand the challenges we currently face, the improvements required and that you have plans in place to address all the issues we currently face. We found it really useful to be involved in a session with other CURO users who are at different stages in their journey as we have certainly learned a few things today and felt we could share our own knowledge and experiences to help others.”
Leanne Johnson, System and Training Manager, The Private Office. Score 8
“I thought it was very useful hearing how others use CURO and understand how their internal processes work. I think it helps to be reminded of the potential of the system so we can continue to evolve and improve processes alongside any internal or external changes. Many thanks for your time.”
Katie Kent, Account Clerk, The Private Office. Score 8
“Interesting to hear the challenges others come up against, and helpful exchanging ideas in using the system currently. I thought the day was very worthwhile and shall look forward to the next chapter.”
Fiona Rawle, Accounts Administration Manager, Hazlewoods. Score 9
Thank you for a very useful and informative day yesterday, it was good to meet and hear from other CURO users at different stages, and a lot of knowledge and ideas were shared which was very beneficial. I took several things away from the day which I know will be very useful in my continuing use and learning of the system. The new developments planned for release will I hope, enhance this further.
Jane Mcintyre, Accounts Assistant, Hazlewoods. Score 9
“Thank you for arranging the group. I was glad to see my suggestion for a user group come to fruition and for the group to be so collaborative and time well spent. Impressed that so many came so far to attend. Would be great to see future events as I’m sure we can talk and talk!”
Philippa Kohler, Operations Director, Brooks Macdonald Financial Consulting.
Score 9
“The day was definitely a success. It was a good mix of structured content (i.e. the agenda) and free flowing conversation from everyone. Meeting others who are or have experienced the same challenges was very useful. I found the day to be most beneficial. It was interesting, educational and fun all at the same time. It’s not often you can say that about user group session. A big thank you to you and Richard for your time and to all the other users for sharing their experiences and knowledge. I’m even more certain that we made the right choice to switch Curo!”
Jodie Watling, Operations Director, Menzies Wealth Management. Score 9
“It was good to be in a group with other users and to share similar challenges with them and hear how Curo is being utilised in different settings. The session gave me several things to come back to Cheltenham and discuss with my colleagues and also encouragement that there is a real drive to make the whole thing work smarter and more efficiently. I have already fed back that we should be engaging more on your community/forum and using the experience of your other clients to inform our own development.”
Steve Bareham, Finance Director, Attivo Group. Score 8Leave a comment