Introducing Gemma Barker - Winner of the threesixty Adviser Tech draw

As a Financial Adviser with KMG Independent, I went along to ThreeSixty's "Adviser Tech" event at the beginning of 2019 on a fact finding mission to keep up to date on the industry tech solutions that are available. Roland from Time4Advice was delivering a presentation on how his software, CURO, can get advisers' businesses out of back office "Excel Hell", which included an unforgettable interview from the cockpit of an aerobatic plane piloted by Roland himself. He said that anyone could hand in their business card to be entered into a prize draw to win a flight and I was extremely keen!
While we were chatting we decided to schedule a full demo of CURO at a later date. In the demo Roland was able to show the seamless way that CURO guides a user through processes, and the ease with which you can maintain just one client database so data isn't duplicated or wrongly recorded in multiple places. The streamlined way of working and reduction of potential for human error makes so much sense for the advice industry going forward and I'm sure CURO will continue going from strength to strength.
Lucky for me, Roland got in touch a couple of weeks later to let me know that I had won and we would be flying this Summer. When the day came I was feeling the nerves and regretting ever entering at all, but I'm so glad I did. I slotted myself into the front seat of the plane and we took off; Roland calmly explained what he was about to do every time he was performing a manoeuvre, and we starting twisting and turning in and out of the white fluffy clouds. It was the most amazing experience seeing the beautiful Oxfordshire countryside from above and feeling the plane smoothly rolling, flipping, and stall turning, I even got a chance to fly the plane myself and perform a roll!
This isn't an activity for the faint hearted... by the time we landed 20 minutes later I was feeling a bit green around the gills but on a HUGE high. Thank you Roland for an incredible experience that I will never forget!
Watch Gemma's flight HERE
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