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Our latest interview on digital transformation is with Natasha McKenzie, MD of Talisman Hub, a brand communication and m…
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Nik Marsh, Managing Director, of Ashlea Financial Planning, a leading Chartered Independent Financial Planning firm, tal…
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Nearly a year on since the acquisition of Time4Advice by IntegraFin, Transact’s parent company, Jonathan Gunby, CEO of T…
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Mark Harrison, CTO, Killik & Co talks about digital transformation and about some of the challenges financial advice and…
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Almost a year on from our first interview with Neil Moles, CEO of Progeny, we catch up with Neil again to hear about the…
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James Priday, CEO, of Prydis Wealth, an integrated accounting, legal and wealth management business, talks about his fir…
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Paul Stokes, Managing Director of PFM Associates, a leading Chartered Financial Planning firm, talks about the transform…
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Advice firms have their say on Vanguard and other low-cost disrupters. Jon Macintosh, Senior Partner, at Saltus and Gian…
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Gianpaolo Mantini, Founding Partner & Chartered Financial Planner of Higgins Fairbairn, talks about the benefits of usin…
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Jon Macintosh, Managing Partner of Saltus talks about the benefits of using CURO and how it has supported his firm's gro…
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Digital transformation means different things to different people. Therefore, we’re interviewing industry practitioners …
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Financial planning and wealth management software - before you lift up the bonnet on your existing software to see what …